Gender equality & DEI expert with a passion for creating inclusive and equitable workplaces

Hi! 👋 I’m Sarah.

I’m a gender equity and DEI expert and researcher with a PhD in Social Psychology from New York University.

I specialize in understanding and teaching about the barriers to diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. This includes changing negative workplace cultures, increasing men’s engagement in equity initiatives, overcoming bias & sexism at work, and increasing inclusive leadership and psychological safety.

I am currently working as a Senior Consultant at Mannaz, an international leadership and organizational development consultancy located in Copenhagen, Denmark.

My research toolbox

Over the years I’ve built up a toolbox of research methods ranging across qualitative and quantitative methods.

Quantitative Methods

I use quantitative research methods when I’m dealing with a problem that needs to be explained with a larger sample size and by quantifying people’s attitudes, opinions, and behaviors. My primary quantitative methods are surveys/questionnaires and experiments. I also have experience with cross-sectional and longitudinal designs.



One of my strengths is my natural curiosity about what I observe around me. I use this curiosity to define research questions and hypotheses. I’m constantly looking for opportunities to grow as a researcher. I love to learn new frameworks, methodologies, and tools that can make me a better and more versatile researcher.

Qualitative Methods

I use qualitative methods to dig deeper in to the “why” behind an observed phenomenon. These methods allow me to capture more expressive information such as the participants’ emotions, feelings, and motivations. My primary qualitative methods are semi-structured interviews, ethnographic observation and field research.



The world and people are constantly changing. Throughout my research career, I have learned to adapt to this change in order to answer the research question with the most appropriate methods and theories. I use experimentation to quickly validate hypotheses and this allows me to iterate and pivot more quickly and flexibly.